Digital Management Platform

The Repasdo Digital Product Lifecycle Management Platform is designed to comprehensively capture and store all activity in the supply chain. The platform features dynamic process lines, allowing for the seamless implementation of diverse chains of processes and requirements within the product lifecycle.   

Repasdo does not require clients to purchase the solution or pay any access fee, because the platform allows for flexibility to customize services according to different requirements. Our clients tailor the services to their needs and pay for what they utilize.  

The platform is the key component of our services, facilitating both the digital product passports and the manufacturing service.     

Key Benefits

Comprehensive Supply Chain Visibility:

The platform captures and stores every activity within the supply chain, providing a holistic view from raw materials to end-of-life processes.

Real-time Component Libraries:

Through real-time generation of component libraries based on activities, the platform enables efficient tracking and organization of data.    

Versatility in Starting Points:

Users can initiate tracking from different starting points, such as raw material production, in-store delivery, recycling centres, or resellers, enhancing adaptability to diverse supply chain scenarios.

Customizable Service for Brands:

Brands can tailor the service to their specific needs and seamlessly implement their processes throughout the product lifecycle without purchasing the solution or paying access fee.

This is an example of a Digital Product Passport generated via the Repasdo Digital Management Platform. A new version is on the way!